Our team is here to assist you in finding the exact Employee Assistance Program as a solution to the challenges faced by your organization, how would you like to start talking with us?
Source : WorkMe Independent Study, 2020
require support to cope effectively with daily life's challenges.
need immediate professional help to overcome their problem.
Source: WorkMe independent study, 2019
We tailor-made each of our services to fit your well-being needs.
Standardized online assessment to identify psychological distress and productivity challenges for employees.
*Use if: your company needs help identifying if and which employees need help and in what form.
Interactive session with a psychologist on various mental health topics, from mindfulness to managing burnout, from work-life balance to worrying.
Use if: your employees need an accessible introduction to mental health topics where they can ask questions.
Group meeting with a psychologist that brings together people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences.
Use if: your employees need a combination of psychologists insight and peers experience while also gaining a sense of community.
Individual psychological counseling with a mental health practitioner.
Use if: your employees need a problem-solving session that helps them cope with everything from everyday challenges to a severe psychological condition.
With our practitioners, you can be at peace knowing that you are getting the best care available.Our team has a diverse portfolio, making sure that whatever your needs are, we can accomodate you.
Psikolog Klinis Umum
Arti Pramadani, M.Psi., Psikolog menangani berbagai kasus seperti masalah pengenalan dan pengelolaan diri, depresi, kecemasan, hubungan dengan orang lain, termasuk hubungan romantis. Arti saat ini juga aktif sebagai pengajar serta menjadi relawan konselor dalam kegiatan yang membutuhkan penanganan atau pendampingan psikologis.
Psikolog Industri & Organisasi
Arga Santoso Wijaya, M.Psi., Psikolog merupakan Psikolog Klinis yang memiliki pengalaman menangani berbagai kasus. Adapun beberapa kasus yang ditangani diantaranya adalah kecemasan, depresi dengan melukai diri & keinginan bunuh diri, hubungan relasi, managemen stres, dan pengembangan diri.
Psikolog Klinis Umum
Annisa Widya Pangestika, M.Psi., Psikolog berpengalaman menangani kasus kesehatan mental dan langsung berhubungan dengan kesehatan mental pekerja dan keluarga, juga hazard psikososial di lingkungan kerja. Dalam sesi terapinya dengan klien, Annisa terbiasa menggunakan pendekatan humanistik, psikodinamika, CBT, dan transpersonal.
Psikolog Klinis Umum
Nafisa menangani masalah hubungan keluarga, relasi pernikahan, gangguan perkembangan anak, kekerasan seksual, depresi, self-harm, self-esteem, dan kecemasan. Dalam praktik, ia menerapkan Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Group Therapy, dan Behavioral Modification.
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